If there's something you want to know about Nature Spot, have a look a the Frequently Asked Questions below as we might have already been asked before.

If you can't find what you are looking for, why not reach out to using the form on the Contact Us page and we will try and help you any way we can.

I've found a mistake on the site, how can I let you know about it?

Thanks for letting us know! You can let us know of any mistakes using the Contact Us page and we will update anything we find to be incorrect.

If you are going to let us know something is wrong, please give as much detail as possible so we can update accurately.

My favourite spot is not listed. Why not?

At Nature Spot we don't want to list every park or nature reserve in the country. Our intention is to try and make sure that the can inspire people to go to places that are suitable, and not too difficult to access.

For example, if a location is very small, has poor transport connections or is not publicly accessible, we don't want to direct people to visit only for them to be disappointed.

That said, it could also be somewhere we don't know about, so get in touch, and maybe we'll add it!

Why do you cover such a small part of the country?

Nature Spot has only recently started running and it takes a long time to build up a database of locations. We are based in Wiltshire, so that's where we are starting and we plan on expanding outwards from there.

As we visit different parts of the country we will add anywhere we've visited, so there might also be the odd location here and there that gets added which is in a completely different place to the rest of the sites we've covered so far.

Is there any way I can contribute to Nature Point?

We love the enthusiasm!

Yes there are plenty of ways you can help. The simplest way you can help is to simply spread the word about Nature Point. The more people who know about, the more successful it will be, allowing us to dedicate more time to make it even better.

Something that is invaluable to us is local knowledge. If you know of any spots we've missed, any mistakes we've made, or enhancements we can make to the spots we have listed, please please please let us know!

We'd also love to have more images of the locations. If you have any photos that you think will help illustrate what it's like at a location, and are willing to allow us to use them, then please do get in touch.