About Nature Spot

Started in 2022, Nature spot is a website designed to help you get out in to nature. Our intention is to inspire you to see what natural Britain has to offer, and help you find the information you need to get out there exploring.

The idea for Nature Spot started when we were ourselves trying to find places near us that would be great to visit based on interests, but struggling to find a good source of information that covers all the different types of places that might be suitable for us.

There are many great organisations around the country which manage the different natural habitats that can be visited, but the information they provide only covers their own niche area of interest. This makes searching for sites managed by many different organisation quite tricky, with many different websites having to be visited to find a place you might want to go to.

At Nature Point we want to remove any barrier that might put people off visiting nature spots. We hope that by encouraging people to get in to nature, with easy to access information and inspiring imagery, we can increase to number of people who visit natural habitats and enjoy what they can offer. It's our belief that when people visit these places and see the benefit it gives, they will care about protecting these environments and the wildlife that lives in them. By increasing engagement, people will be more concerned about what it happening to the natural world around them, and so will take a bigger interest in protecting them.